7.2 Involving Guests in ForestWell Initiatives

  • Involving Guests in ForestWell Initiatives
  • How Lough Mardal Involves Guests in Protecting their Environment

Overview of Topic 7.2 Involving Guests in ForestWell Initiatives focuses on the critical role of guest education and involvement in the sustainable development of ForestWell initiatives. It emphasises the importance of raising awareness about the benefits of forest well-being, enabling a shared responsibility for conserving natural spaces, and promoting cultural preservation.

Introduction: Involving Guests in ForestWell Initiatives

Educating guests, people and communities are essential to the sustainable development of ForestWell initiatives. These efforts not only raise awareness about the benefits of well-being in forested environments but also enage a sense of shared responsibility for the conservation of natural spaces. Here are practical strategies for educating people and involving communities in ForestWell:

Cultural preservation is also a key component, as they incorporates practices that respect their local communities, providing traditional knowledge and practices preserving cultural heritage and supporting indigenous communities. Through community engagement, sustainable practices and ultimately regenerative practices ForestWell businesses ensure the longevity and prosperity of both the environment and the local economies they support. As the SDGs highlight the importance of forests particularly in rural areas and communities ‘Investing in forests and forestry represent an investment in people and their livelihoods, especially the rural poor, youth and women. Around 1.6 billion people – including more than 2,000 indigenous cultures – depend on forests for their livelihood. (Source SDGs Sustainable Development Goals)

Engaging Guests in Conservation Efforts. ForestWell business integrate eco-friendly practices and promote responsible tourism by engaging their  guests in preserving forest ecosystems for future generations e.g., ‘Leave NO Trace’, picking up litter, planting trees, and mindful use of water. They provide visitor education on the importance of environmental and forest stewardship so that they enable a deeper appreciation and connection with forests and  nature and encourage sustainable behaviors. These efforts contribute to the broader European goals of environmental sustainability, climate resilience, and the promotion of green tourism, positioning themselves as leaders in the stewardship of Europe’s invaluable forest landscapes. 

Sustainable management is vital and should be carried out by everyone FSC report ‘‘With over 80% of life on land calling forests home, including many endangered species, the sustainable management of forests is one of our best defenses against the impacts of the climate crisis. In addition to the many medicinal plants and food that can be found in forests, forests are also relied upon by over 25% of the world’s population for their survival’. (Source Forest Stewardship Council)


How Lough Mardal Eco Lodge Involves Guests in Protecting Their Envrionment

ForestWell businesses like Lough Mardal Lodge illustrate the potential for eco-friendly accommodations to enable environmental stewardship, guest and community engagement. These businesses create unique experiences that benefit both guests and the local environment. Through conscious efforts and guest involvement, everyone can ensure the conservation and enhancement of forest ecosystems, contributing to a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

‘Lough Mardal Lodge is working its way towards eco certification as recognised internationally by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.  But we can’t do it alone.  Top of the list is reducing unnecessary energy & water consumption and general waste. You can read about the measures we are taking in our Sustainability Strategy’. The following are small measures you can make during your stay which would really make a difference;

  • Reduces Plastic Use by encouraging guests to avoid single-use plastics, suggesting alternatives like local health food shops or farmers’ markets and provides a refillable glass bottle for guests to use with pure well water from the lodge.

‘Try not to bring any single-use plastics if you can help it. We realise this is tricky since so many staples (bread, pasta, rice, cheese, etc) come in plastic but perhaps you have a local health food shop or farmer’s market that use non-plastic packaging or you can shop locally here at Simple Simon in Donegal Town where they sell rice and pasta in paper bags’

  • Minimise Waste by emphasises the use of reusable items over disposables, ensuring all necessary kitchenware is available at the lodge. Advocates reusing water, such as for hot water bottles or cooking.

‘No need for plastic bottles of water. A glass bottle is provided which you can refill with the clean and pure well water which runs from the cold taps in the kitchen. Down with disposables! There is no need for disposable plates, cups, cutlery, baking trays, wipes, bbqs, anything! Everything you need should already be in the Lodge (and if not please tell us!)’

  • Conserves Water by promoting taking shorter showers and turning off taps while brushing teeth or shaving to save water.

‘Re-use the same water for your hot water bottles every night. Use the minimum amount of water necessary when cooking or re-use boiled water. Take a shorter shower (it can save up to 10 ltrs of water per minute!). Turn off the tap in between brushing teeth or shaving.

  • Waste Management by providing well-labeled bins for waste separation, including composting all food waste.

Separate all waste in the kitchen bins which are well labelled – remember ALL food waste (cooked and uncooked) can go in the compost bin.

  • Local Exploration. Suggests exploring the lodge’s 90 acres on foot instead of using a car, offering gentle or bracing walks with fresh air and scenic views.

‘Instead of jumping in the car for the day consider going for a walk on the 90 acres around Lough Mardal, it can be as gentle or as bracing as is your mood. Breathe in the fresh, say hi to the cows and enjoy some beautiful views from the top of the hill. (and more)’