ForestWell is a pioneering initiative that integrates forest conservation, sustainability, regenerative tourism, and holistic well-being to meet the needs of both people and the planet. To plan for the future Forestwell businesses and initiatives need to ultimately advocate and implement responsible, sustainable and regenerative practices. Regenerative Design and Approaches combined with Regenerative Thinking and Action will help to safeguard forest environments for future generations, enhance local community welfare, and develop a culture of environmental stewardship. This approach not only improves visitor experiences but also contributes to broader global sustainability goals and economic growth. By mastering this modules objectives, participants will be equipped to contribute to the development of regenerative tourism models that enhance ecological, economic, and social well-being within forest environments.
2.1 The Role ForestWell Plays in Conservation, Sustainability & Regenerative Tourism Practices
2.2 Regenerative Tourism Bringing Opportunities to ForestWell Initiatives
2.3 Regenerative ForestWell Approaches Need Regenerative Thinking & Action Introduction: Regenerative
2.4 Regenerative ForestWell Approaches and Design
2.5 European Example of a Regenerative ForestWell Tourism Accommodation in Action
2.6 Case Studies & Success Stories
2.7 Additional Material
2.8 Quiz
The FORESTWELL Projects aims are to implement the innovative and stimulating learning environment in VET and creation of an upskilling pathway for entrepreneurs in wellness and tourism.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.