4.4 Lessons From a ForestWell Business


Drumhierny Woodland Hideaway stands out as a premier example of how to effectively market forest wellness experiences. Situated in a lush, naturally abundant setting, this estate masterfully utilizes its environmental assets to not only enhance the wellness of its customers but also to benefit its employees and the surrounding community in a sustainable and thoughtful manner. This section delves deeper into how Drumhierny has strategically crafted and successfully marketed its unique forest wellness offerings, setting a high standard for competitors and newcomers alike in the wellness tourism industry.

First of all, Let’s have a look at Drumhierny’s Vision and Commitment to Sustainability

What is the core vision? Enhance wellbeing in an environmentally sustainable way through an inspirational woodland hideaway that collaborates with local partners.

Sustainability and Community Focus: Emphasis on securing the estate for future generations while enriching the local community and environment through sustainable practices.

Learners can take a lot from Drumhierny’s Vision: This acts as a great template for Learners, who should note the integration of community and environmental goals within the business model. This not only appeals to eco-conscious consumers but also establishes a brand that is committed to sustainable and ethical practices.

"We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it."

Image from - https://ssn.org.au/blog/sustainable-tourism-a-challenge-within-reach/

The key elements of sustainable tourism (which can also be applied to the development of our forestwellness experiences), highlighting the need for it to be eco-friendly, economically sound, socially equitable, and culturally sensitive. These interconnected aspects ensure tourism that respects the environment, benefits local communities, and upholds cultural heritage. These key elements are fulfilled by Drumhierny.

Drumhierny has LOTS of Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) – Let’s have a look at them :

Protected Ancient Oak Woodland: Utilisation of the unique natural resource of ancient oak woodland provides a rare and compelling backdrop that enhances the allure of their wellness services.

Natural Asset: Utilises the rare and beautiful ancient oak woodland to enhance the allure of their wellness services, creating a unique, compelling backdrop that naturally attracts visitors.

Conservation and Attraction: This woodland not only serves as a conservation area but also as a major attraction due to its rarity and the immersive nature experience it offers.

When developing your Forestwellness experience, it is SO important to protect the environment in which you are working. If you want to find out more about the importance of protecting woodlands, click this link! What protection do ancient trees have? – Ancient Tree Inventory (woodlandtrust.org.uk)

"The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope."

Diverse Wellness Services:

Seaweed Baths: Sustainably sourced from local suppliers, offering therapeutic benefits like increased circulation and deep relaxation.

Hot Tubs and Sauna: Outdoor settings that utilie the natural beauty and tranquility of the estate to provide stress relief and wellness benefits.

Fire & Ice Experience: A unique package that combiness the soothing warmth of a sauna and the invigorating cold of a plunge pool, marketed as a journey through contrasting sensations designed to rejuvenate and refresh.

It is KEY to take some Learning from Drumhierny's USPs:

"In an over-communicated environment, a simple USP can differentiate you from your competitors effectively."

If you’re looking to create your very own forest wellness experience, there’s a lot you can learn from places like Drumhierny. Imagine weaving the tranquility of the forest into an innovative wellness retreat. Drumhierny’s secret? They take the natural beauty that’s already there and mix it with a good dose of creativity. It’s all about using what the forest offers – think wood for saunas and local plants for treatments.

What really makes Drumhierny stand out is their understanding that wellness is as much about unwinding emotionally as it is about pampering the body. They’ve got this knack for helping visitors disconnect from the digital buzz and reconnect with nature – and themselves. Picture offering sessions where the forest is not just a backdrop, but an integral part of the experience. From forest baths that soak up the serenity of the woods to saunas that help guests sweat out the stress, it’s all about that blend of emotional soothers and physical rejuvenators.

So, if you want to craft a standout forest wellness spot, think along these lines. Use the unique aspects of your setting to shape services that aren’t just run-of-the-mill. Aim for that emotional resonance – make it a place where guests can really feel a sense of release and rejuvenation. Get creative, stay authentic, and watch your forest wellness dream blossom!

We have Examined Marketing Strategies in the Previous Unit, now let’s have a look at Drumhierny’s

Engaging Local Stories and Authenticity

Cultural Integration: Markets its experiences as authentic local adventures that contribute to community welfare, incorporating storytelling elements that highlight the local history, flora, and fauna.

Authentic Experiences: These stories not only serve to educate guests but also to deepen their engagement with the locale, fostering a greater appreciation and connection with the environment.

Digital Marketing and Social Proof:

Broad Reach: Utilises robust digital marketing strategies, including SEO, ethical online advertising, and active social media engagement, to reach a global audience effectively.

Building Trust: Leverages customer reviews and storytelling to build trust and provide proof of the quality and impact of their experiences, crucial for drawing interest and bookings from around the world.

Learner’s Guide:

Holistic Marketing Approach: Understand the importance of combining a strong digital presence with genuine local storytelling to create a compelling, trustworthy brand image that resonates with both local and international visitors.

Community-Centric Marketing: Emphasising community benefits and sustainable practices significantly enhances the attractiveness of wellness experiences, meeting the demands of today’s eco- and health-conscious market.

Sustainability Practices

Comprehensive Environmental Strategy:

Measures to reduce energy consumption, sustainable use of resources (like water and timber), and initiatives like the ‘Plant a Tree’ campaign which pledges to plant a tree for every booking received.

Ethical and Local Sourcing:

Commitment to sourcing locally to support the local economy, reduce the carbon footprint, and ensure ethical practices throughout the supply chain.

Learning from Drumhierny’s Sustainability Practices:

Sustainability as a Marketing Tool: Drumhierny’s environmental strategies are not just about compliance but are integral to their marketing. This attracts guests who are specifically looking for eco-friendly accommodations.

Replicable Models: The detailed sustainability and conservation efforts provide a replicable model for learners on how to integrate and market these practices effectively.

Time to Conclude and Think how we can apply this to our own Development

Drumhierny Woodland Hideaway serves as an excellent case study for effectively marketing forest wellness experiences. By emphasising its unique natural setting, integrating comprehensive wellness services, and upholding strong sustainability and community-supportive practices, it successfully attracts and satisfies customers. Learners can take inspiration from Drumhierny’s approach to develop and market their own forest wellness experiences, ensuring they remain appealing, sustainable, and beneficial for all stakeholders involved.

This module not only guides learners through understanding successful strategies but also encourages them to think creatively and ethically about how they can implement similar practices in their endeavors. The case study of Drumhierny is a testament to the viability and success of well-thought-out, well-marketed forest wellness products