Module 4: Innovative Forest Wellbeing Product Development

Welcome to Module 4 which explores ForestWell product development and how existing and potential businesses can create compelling offerings that integrate key ForestWell principles such as tourism, forest activities, education, immersing in nature and holistic wellbeing and wellness. ForestWell products are highly sustainable and designed to provide individuals with rejuvenating well-being experiences in natural forest environments. Module 4 provides the essential steps and skills that help businesses on their journey to creating a sustainable and successful well-being experience, in whatever specific field that might be. Jump into Module 4 to explore insights, strategies and information on market research, trends, practices and how to reach the ForestWell target audience. Module 4 also demonstrates how businesses can successfully engage and maintain trust with local communities to ensure that their products and businesses remain a sustainable success.

4.1 Ecological and Sustainable Resource Use

  • How to Select your Location?
  • How do we Ensure Regeneration is Taken into Account?
  • How can you Manage Resource Management Sustainably?
  • Enhance your Biodiversity
  • Learning Activity: Explore how Different Structures Benefit Specific Wildlife Species. What Structures Would be Most Beneficial in Your Area?
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction
  • Health and Safety Standards
  • Cultural and Community Integration – Respecting and Engaging Local Communities
  • Regulatory Compliance – Navigating Legal Landscapes

4.2 Market Research

  • So… What does Market Research Really Mean?
  • The THREE Core Components of Market Research
  • Importance in Product Development

4.3 Trends in Forest Bathing and Forestwellness

  • Introduction
  • Forest Wellness Practices
  • Let’s have a Look at Market Trends in Forest Wellness
  • Businesses are Getting Inspired and Putting These Cool Ideas into Action!
  • What’s New and Exciting in Forest Wellness Trends?
  • Thematic and Seasonal Forest Experiences

4.4 Lessons From a ForestWell Business

  • Introduction
  • Let’s have a look at Drumhierny’s Vision and Commitment to Sustainability
  • Drumhierny has LOTS of Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) 
  • It is KEY to Take some Learning from Drumhierny’s USPs
  • We have Examined Marketing Strategies in the Previous Unit, now let’s have a look at Drumhierny’s
  • Sustainability Practices

4.5 Additional Material

  • Resources for Ecological and Sustainable Resource Use
  • Resources for Market Research
  • Tools for Forest Wellness Initiatives
  • Other European and International Resources

4.6 Quiz

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how to create sustainable and ecologically responsible services
  • Learn how to complete effective and efficient market research to help support your new business and ensure success
  • Understand how trends in Forest Wellness and Forest bathing can influence your business and be either catalyst or catastrophe for your business
  • Gain invaluable insights from an existing and THRIVING forest wellbeing business!
  • Learn tips and tricks that can help you to create a beautiful, sustainable and life long forest Wellness business in an area that you love!