Welcome to Module 4 which explores ForestWell product development and how existing and potential businesses can create compelling offerings that integrate key ForestWell principles such as tourism, forest activities, education, immersing in nature and holistic wellbeing and wellness. ForestWell products are highly sustainable and designed to provide individuals with rejuvenating well-being experiences in natural forest environments. Module 4 provides the essential steps and skills that help businesses on their journey to creating a sustainable and successful well-being experience, in whatever specific field that might be. Jump into Module 4 to explore insights, strategies and information on market research, trends, practices and how to reach the ForestWell target audience. Module 4 also demonstrates how businesses can successfully engage and maintain trust with local communities to ensure that their products and businesses remain a sustainable success.
4.1 Ecological and Sustainable Resource Use
4.2 Market Research
4.3 Trends in Forest Bathing and Forestwellness
4.4 Lessons From a ForestWell Business
4.5 Case Studies & Success Stories
4.6 Additional Material
4.7 Quiz
The FORESTWELL Projects aims are to implement the innovative and stimulating learning environment in VET and creation of an upskilling pathway for entrepreneurs in wellness and tourism.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.